This module allows Views to set build modes for row objects depending on an active context. When should you use this module?

  • If you need to create a view which depending on the users' properties (permissions, roles,...) does or doesn't show certain 'limited access' fields of a row object. This allows you to do away with the restrictive, clunky CCK field permission system.
  • If you need to show a view on diverse sections of your site and you don't want to create a gazillion display variants. This promotes reuse of views displays.


How to use

1. Install/Enable the module
2. Go to admin > build > context and create a new context
3. Add conditions to your new context
4. Add the VCD Reaction plugin as a single reaction to your context.
5. Go to admin > build > views
6. Create a new view or edit an existing view
7. Choose 'VCD Object' as the active Row Style plugin and edit its' options
8. Expand the Contextual build modes tab
9. You'll see all the contexts which have the VCD Reaction plugin set
10. Now choose build modes for those contexts

When a context' conditions are met, this will trigger the reaction plugin to set the build mode with which the context was associated with as 'active' for that view. The objects in the rows will now be displayed with through that particular build mode. Layouts associated
with build mode are managed through Display Suite leaving you free on how to configure these.


There's a screencast available (Youtube) which shows you how to use VCD to do away with Content Permissions.


If multiple contexts are tripped for a view, then the last active contexts' build mode will be used for that view, overriding all other active contexts.

It's intended as an extension on the DS Object row style plugin. The original DS options are not fully functional yet though.


This module was originally conceived for Drupal 6 but will be ported to Drupal 7 too.


netsensei -

Thanks to

swentel -
stalski -
mzenner -

Project information
