This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module provides integration with Unisender, a more affordable alternative to MailChimp email delivery service. The module makes it possible for website users or visitors to control which of your email lists they want to be on (or off).

The code in mostly taken from MailChimp module, and rewritten to adapt Unisender API features:

  • "Tags" are used instead of "Interest Groups" and are not List-specific but shared across all of your lists.
  • "Merge fields" are called "Fields" and are not List-specific as well.
  • Campaign and Activity are not currently supported.

So this module contains only three submodules:

  • Lists
  • Signup
  • Commerce integration

Sms subscriptions (which is a major feature of Unisener service) are not currently supported by this module.

UnisenderApi library should be installed in libraries folder for this module to work properly.

If you want to support further development of this module, subscripbe to Unisender service via this referral link: Unisender

Project information
