Uikit slideshow with navigation thumbs

Drupal 9 compatible since release 2.2.

This is a Views Plugin that provides a lightweight slideshow with thumbnail navigation. It requires Uikit, which has been adapted for Drupal 8 in the Uikitty base theme. The module comes with a view definition and an image style for out-of-the-box implementation.

Installation instructions:

  1. Make sure your Article content type has the standard "Title", "Body" and "Image" fields. These are Drupal defaults, no worries unless you have deleted them for some reason.
  2. Install and activate the module
  3. Include the following in your front page twig template: {{ attach_library('uikit_slideshow/uikit.slideshow') }} and clear caches.
  4. Assign the Uikit Slideshow View block to your front page region of convenience.

Demo site: Vivir Japón

Project information
