User Import Framework Plus extends the brilliant work of the original User Import Framework module to allow you import the following additional types of fields.

1. Core users - Only the "picture" field.

2. Organic groups - If you are using the Organic groups module, and would like to import users into groups, add a header column called "groups" (without the quotes). Enter data for either the group id "gid" or node "title".

3. Profile2 fields - If you are using the Profile2 module, add header columns for each field you would like to import. Use the exact field names e.g. "field_user_picture", "field_firstname", "field_postcode" etc. For entityreference fields enter the node "nid" or "title". For taxonomy reference enter the term "tid" or "name".


a) Multiple values - If the field supports multiple values, delimit data in each row with any of the supported delimiters you will find at the bottom of the User import page: "|" (default), ":", "_:_", "_*_"') (without the quotes).

b) Images - For image fields e.g. user picture, enter the file name in the column. Create sites/default/files/uif_plus directory and upload all images to that location.

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