Translate Terms | Screenshot 001.png


This module provides an easy and quick way to translate vocabulary terms. When using the Internationalization module to translate the terms of a vocabulary, you might find this very tedious and time consuming. The process will take you trough a couple of screens for each term you want to translate.

Meet "Translate Terms". This module will offer you a tabular overview of all "to be translated" terms as well as the functionality to translate on the fly, within the same screen.


  • Overview of all terms where the parent vocabulary is set to Translate.
  • Translate all untranslated (undefined) terms to your site language.
  • Translate the terms for each enabled language.
  • A menu tab will be added for each taxonomy for easy access


Known issues

  • Only save functionality is implemented
  • Saving the overview will automatically translate all untranslated terms to the set site language

Project information
