Provides a helper to get one translated and complete configuration set on a localized configuration set.

This module is necessary as long as Drupal Core does not provide a way to get one complete dataset of configuration in a specified language, while all keys that are not translated remain original. Triggering issue was Issue #2993984 "Translated Config Override should default to original language values if there are no translations".

How does it work?

You just call the service to get your localized configuration:


You will get the translated site name in your specified language. Leave the language empty, and it automatically takes the current language (\Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId()).

Get your entire configuration array by leaving the last key empty:


You will recieve your entire configuration, with those values that have a translation automatically included.


System Language: English (en). Current Language: German (de).

Basic configuration file my_module.settings.yml:

some_label: 'This is a test'
  value: "<p>This is a long text field</p>"
  format: basic_html

Translated file my_module.settings.yml in language/de folder:

some_label: 'Ein deutscher Text'

Get entire configuration set in german:


Output (Array) with merged translations, but original keys that have no translation, remain in the collection:

some_label: 'Ein deutscher Text'
  value: "<p>This is a long text field</p>"
  format: basic_html
Supporting organizations: 
Funded Development

Project information
