Drupal 8

What is it?

Adds trailing slashes to all URLs you want.
For example: example.com/user/.
This feature could be usefull for SEO motivations.

How do I install it?

Install and enable this module using one of the following methods:

When you enable this module you haven't it in action yet.

Now you have to configure it. Read Configuration section for it.


  • To configure the module go to /admin/config/trailing-slash/settings
  • On this page you have the option to enable/disable the configuration of this module
  • List of paths
    • Write a path per line where you want a trailing slash. Paths start with slash. It is also possible to add URLs with wildcards. (e.g., '/book', '/node/*')
  • Enabled entity types
    • You can choose the entity types that you want to have a slash, for example, the taxonomy terms of a particular vocabulary or nodes of a bundle


  • drupal::language
  • php:7.1

Supporting organizations:

idealista Sponsorship of ongoing development.

Known Issues/Bugs

If you found a new one, please, open it at https://www.drupal.org/node/add/project-issue/trailing_slash

Drupal 7

What is it?

Adds trailing slashes to all Drupal generated clean URLs.
For example: example.com/user/.

How do I install it?

  1. Install and enable this module using one of the following methods:

  2. Add a redirect for your website that enforces trailing slashes using one of the following methods (not having duplicate pages is good for SEO):
    • Apache mod_rewrite example (in .htaccess):
      RewriteEngine On
      RewriteBase /
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !=post [NC]
      RewriteRule ^(.*(?:^|/)[^/\.]+)$ $1/ [L,R=301]

    • IIS URL Rewrite example (in web.config):
      				<rule name="Redirect to Trailing Slashes" stopProcessing="true">
       					<match url="^(.*(?:^|/)[^/\.]+)$" />
      					<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll" trackAllCaptures="false">
      						<add input="{REQUEST_METHOD}" pattern="post" negate="true" />
      					<action type="Redirect" url="{R:1}/" />

    • Global Redirect module
      Installing this module is a good way to perform global redirects if you can't or don't want to use web server configured redirects.
  3. Go to Administration » Configuration » Search and metadata » Clean URLs in Drupal and ensure that Enable trailing slashes is checked. Easy as that!!

Known Issues/Bugs



Initial development of this module was sponsored by the Australian War Memorial.

Supporting organizations: 
Development and maintenance

Project information
