Topsy Retweet Button Screenshot

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Topsy will discontinue the Retweet Button service on Feb 12th 2013.
Use the official Tweet Button.

This module integrates Topsy Retweet Button with Drupal.

The button lets you see at a glance how popular your content is in Twitter. It shows a count of how many times your nodes has been tweeted, and allows your readers to retweet your content in their Twitter accounts.


  • Highly customizable buttons with various colors and two sizes.
  • The button can be displayed:
    • In the node content
    • In the links area
    • In a block
    • As a CCK field
  • The optional CCK field is implemented as a separate module that lets you decide to enable the Topsy Retweet button per node.
  • Automatic URL shortening using
  • Other URL shortening services can be used using the great Shorten module.
  • Displays Topsy TopLinks badges for posts that are in the Topsy Top5k or above
  • Topsy doesn't delete old tweets, so the counting will work on all of your historical posts.
  • Allows you to choose the username - e.g. "RT @ ..."
  • Option for streaming (live counting) and preloading

A screenshot of the Admin UI of the module.


  • php 5.2.0



The module is actively maintained by David Corbacho.

Project information
