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ThemeKey CiviCRM provides additional CiviCRM related properties for use with the ThemeKey module.

ThemeKey, itself, provides an infrastructure to switch Drupal themes, according to rules which can make use of such properties.

ThemeKey CiviCRM 6.x-1.x requires at least ThemeKey 6.x-2.x or 6.x-3.x.

Additional Properties currently provided by "ThemeKey CiviCRM":

  • civicrm:contribution:id
  • civicrm:contribution:type

Using these additional properties, you can achieve amazing feats like:

  • Use a special theme for specific CiviCRM Contribution Pages
  • Use a special theme for specific types of CiviCRM Contribution Pages

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ThemeKey CiviCRM is being developed by Tom Kirkpatrick (mrfelton) of SystemSeed. The author may be contacted for paid customisations of this module, Drupal consultation or other Drupal-related projects.

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