Taxonomy Group Fields (TGF) provides a customizable widget to collect data from large vocabularies. Works with Taxonomy Term Reference field types.

If a select box or autocomplete field is not enough, TGF may be the solution for you. It focuses around usability when a large number of terms are available for the user to select from. Sometimes it may be easier for the terms to be shown as a list of checkboxes in groups. Sometimes they should have "Select All" options.

While the current feature set is still slim, the possibilities are large in scope.

Current Features

  • Supports only bi-level taxonomies.
  • Parent may serve as a "Select All" option for children or selection can be disabled, rendering it as a column header.
  • Works with Radios or Checkboxes (single or multiple cardinality)
  • Option to show/hide the field title.
  • Option to show a message with the cardinality limit.

Features I'd Like to Support

  • Nested, multi-level taxonomy
  • Grouped radios (select only one from each sublevel)

And I'm sure you will all think of more applications. If anyone would like to help work on adding in these features, please contact me.

Project information
