Tag formatter options

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Tag formatter module extend core entity reference label formatter with options for fine-tune formatting.

This module can halps:

  • Format link to entities with absolute paths,
  • Formalize labels in many fashions (CamelCase, underscored, transliterate, hashtags, ...),
  • Filter subset of labels,
  • Remap labels from initial to target (For export to RSS with specific categories, for example),
  • Wrap labels with some html (add styles and icons to labels, for example),
  • Insert custom separator and merge multi-value field in solid piece of text.

For a full description of the module, visit the project page:

To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes:


This module requires no modules outside of Drupal core.


Install the tag_formatter module as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. Visit https://www.drupal.org/node/1897420 for further information.


Link generation

Link label to the referenced entity is option from core formatter.

Absolute link: generate absolute URL for link.

Label formatting

Letter case: optionally transform label to uppercase, lowercase, camelcase in multi-lingual fashion.

Non-Letters: optionally remove or replace any non-letters with _underscore -dash or space with duplication reduction.

Trim: trim whitespaces from label.

Transliterate: transliterate label with drupal's transliteration service.

Hash symbol: add # in start of label, useful for export to social networks.

Remap labels

Remap enabled: Enable or disable remap rules.

Remap rules: Define rules for filter or remap labels
One rule per line: "source_label | dest_label | prefix | suffix"
Any part are optional.
If dest_label not specified, than source_label used.
If no source_label than line is default rule for any unlisted source_label.
If no default rule specified than any unlisted labels will be dropped.
source_label must be in pre-formatted form, except # adding.
prefix and suffix can contain some html wrappers for add custom slyles, icons, ets.


Separator: The separator to use between labels for multi-valued fields, include spaces. Can contain some html.

Tag format: Select default field formatter or merge multiple values in one item (with delta=0).


Nikita Shishatsky (altside.ru)

Project information
