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This module provides a bridge between Stripe and Drupal on a decoupled approach, to manage subscriptions.

Installation and configuration

Follow the steps bellow to have the module up and running.

  • Install the Stripe PHP SKD by running composer require stripe/stripe-php
  • Download and install the Drupal module with composer require drupal/stripe_gate
  • Register to Stripe if you haven’t yet
  • Copy your keys from
  • Add the test and live keys to /admin/config/services/stripe and save
  • Creating new subscriptions
  • In order to create new subscriptions, we need to create products and add a pricing plan to this product. In order to do so, navigate to /admin/config/services/stripe/products and add a new product (the fields descriptions are very explanatory).
  • After having your first product, navigate to admin/config/services/stripe/plans and add a new plan based on that product. Done. Your subscription is now created.

API Endpoints

This module make several endpoints available, so the application layer does not have to request any information directly from Stripe.

Get the Publishable key

# GET: Returns the PKey

Get the subscription plans

# GET: Returns the subscription plans

Creating new customers

# POST: Creates a new customer.
# Body needs to contain { id: token_id_generated_by_stripe, email: user_email }

Get the customer given an ID

# POST: Gets the customer info.
# Body needs to contain { id: customer_id }
Supporting organizations: 

Project information
