This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

SocialToaster for Drupal is a module that allows a Drupal site to seamlessly integrate with the SocialToaster social marketing automation solution. This module provides for the following functionality:

Allows site owners to recruit site users to act as "Ambassadors" for the site, whereby they can assist in promoting content published on the site to their own personal social networks including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and MySpace. Ambassadors are simply website users that have a relationship to the organization the site belongs to and who want to see that organization succeed. They can be employees, customers, partners, volunteers, donors, or anybody that wants to help promote site content.
Allows these Ambassadors to go through a one-time sign-up process to link their accounts to the site via a new tab that displays on their personal profile. Help text is displayed on this tab, and can be customized for the site within the administration features of the module.

Allows site content that is published to be seamlessly promoted to the Ambassadors' networks via the SocialToaster marketing automation solution. Any content type, including CCK custom content types, can be promoted. The module adds fields to the content type submission form to allow the publisher to specify whether or not content should be promoted through SocialToaster, to indicate what the Ambassadors' status updates will be changed to be, and to give the content a title to be referenced in SocialToaster's advanced reporting and analytics.

Allows site administrators to maintain and administer the module including specifying custom help and text and connecting the module to SocialToaster.

About SocialToaster

SocialToaster is a patent-pending social marketing automation solution unlike anything else out on the market. It is a system that allows an organization to leverage a community of supporters to automatically promote website content to their own personal networks while providing social analytics and reporting. It is based on the principle that every organization has a group of people that, if asked, would be happy to help link to website content that they thought was interesting as long as it were simple and easy. SocialToaster is a solution that allows these people to do exactly that, which in turn can generate tremendous traffic and brand awareness to the site. At present SocialToaster is generating an average of 9 visitors back to the site for each post that gets created. This means that a small group of promotors, called Ambassaddors, can generate thousands of visitors each month as long as regular content is being created. This makes SocialToaster an extremely cost-effective solution for online marketing.

Installation and Dependencies

SocialToaster for Drupal requires a SocialToaster account, which can be purchased from for a one-time provisioning fee of $199, with a minimum ongoing monthly commitment of $20 per month which includes up to 40 posts. A post is defined as any time SocialToaster creates a link back to website content in a way that is going to be tracked. Additional posts are charged at a per-post fee based on volume, with the ability to cap monthly expenses. Detailed pricing can be found on the SocialToaster website.

Similar Modules

SocialToaster for Drupal connects to a 3rd party service to process requests. Examples of other modules that connect to 3rd party services are Mollom and Gigya.

Terms of Use

The SocialToaster for Drupal module is licensed under the same license as the Drupal core. Use of the module requires a valid SocialToaster account, which can be obtained from the website.

Project information

  • Module categories: Integrations
  • Created by glazer on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
