Simple workflow module preview

This module adds a new "ready" publishing option on node bundles and fine-grained permissions on publishing options.
It gives you a simple worflow:

  • Ready not checked (draft)
  • Ready checked (ready to be published)
  • Published checked (and surely ready!)

If you need a more suitable and customised workflow, you better look at Worflow module:

Configure and use

You first need to visit permissions (Administration > People > permissions) to adapt access on each node bundles under "Simple workflow" section.
You need to add permissions after each node bundle creation. On bundle creation you need to unchecked default published option.

This module adds a complementary admin view which is disabled by default but could be a good base for a more convenient content administration.
Enable the view at Administration > Structure > Views, and flush menu cache.
Views Bulk Operations ( is a recommended module to add "Update actions" to this view and get a full replacement for Drupal core admin content page.

For default node templates (node.tpl.php), you have now access to a $ready variable, a boolean indicating ready status and a new class: node-ready or node-noready.


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