This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Note: It has been brought to my attention that this module duplicates existing functionality in a couple of modules: Demo and Drupal Reset. I was unaware this capability was included in Demo, and Drupal Reset sprang up between the time I developed the module for personal use, and when I got around to adding it to contrib. Apologies for the duplicate effort; I will not be continuing development on this module and encourage you to use Demo instead.

The Self Destruct module is a developer utility for quickly emptying/resetting a Drupal site's database.

Why would you want to do this? During development and testing of an Installation Profile it's handy to have a quick way to wipe the database and re-install to test a new feature. If you include the Self Destruct module in your Installation Profile during development, you'll have ready access to the 'Self Destruct' feature under the Admin > Build menu, assuming you have 'access administration pages' access.

Be sure to remove the module from the profile when you're done developing! This module should not under any circumstances be deployed on a production site, or in any situation where work has been done on a site that cannot be reproduced in an automated fashion! Self Destruct WILL completely destroy your data. Use it at your own peril. You have been warned!

By default, Self Destruct will display a confirmation form. To bypass the confirmation step you can add the following line to your install profile tasks hook:

variable_set('selfdestruct_confirm', FALSE);

Drush Support

This module also provides a 'drush selfdestruct' command.

Project information
