Salesforce Settings
Manage Form

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Salesforce Entityform allows you to map the Entityform field with your Salesforce Account. This module only built for and utilize the Salesforce's Web-to-Lead. The idea is to map each entityform fields key's to salesforce field key provided by the web-to-lead form.

The module will provide a configuration settings page "Salesforce Settings".
@Link to the file is:

It accepts the Salesforce OID to post your entityform data to Salesforce account. More importantly mapping of salesforce keys to entityform field is maintained in a separate table. The leads are still stored in your entityform and at the same time dispatched to salesforce.

This module allows you to generate lead by either posting form using cUrl or drupal_http_request. The advantage of using this module is that with this module you can take advantage of entityform validation filter.


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