This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module allows RESTful Webservices (using restws module) to be accessible through url aliases in addition to just the direct path.

For example: If you have a node with direct path "node/1" and url alias "page/awesomepage", the restws module allows you to access json representation of the node through "node/1.json" and not "page/awesomepage.json".

Read more discussion here:

This module allows you to access the node through "page/awesomepage.json" by adding new url aliases such as:
page/awesomepage.json ==> node/1.json
page/awesomepage.xml ==> node/1.xml
page/awesomepage.rdf ==> node/1.rdf

Please Note:
To generate these aliases for the nodes already existing in the system, please bulk update the aliases by going to:
Configuration -> URL aliases. Then Delete and Bulk update in succession.

Very Imp - Drupal 7.37

According to Drupal 7.37 release notes RestWS module no longer works on Drupal versions higher than 7.36. Therefore, this module doesn't make any sense on drupal 7.37 and above unless you you apply one of the patches from this discussion:

Case Study

  1. Bioconnector | University of Virginia -

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