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The Rep[lacement]Tags module allows you to define tags (like $MYTAG$ or {DATE} as 'tokens' or 'markdown') and replace them with :

  • user-defined content (custom text, images, code, ...),
  • dynamically-generated or system values,
  • or use RepTag to format your pages with simple markup-style tags.

Embed Drupal Blocks, Node metadata, User info, Images and videos with plain-text syntax like:

{BLOCK:image:Random image} {AUTHOR} {YOUTUBE:Z4VNMERVsC4}

Should be compatible with both WYSIWYG and plaintext editors.

RepTag provides a role-based rights management, online help, support for CCK textfields, support for multilingual table tags, integration with other modules and a basic API.

The module makes different types of replacement tags available to the user or author of a node.

  • Preset Replacement Tags
  • Optional sub-modules provide the basic reptag functionality by exporting certain tags based on a regular expression syntax.
    Some standard extension are included with the release, e.g. to add Date-/Time-, User-, Node- and Image-Information and some lighweight markup languages (BBCode, Wiki, ...).
    Users with basic knowledge of regular expressions should be able to write their own extensions (even without proper php background).

    Inline Blocks ({BLOCK:1}, {BLOCK:menu:2} ...) Embed a Drupal block inline anywhere in your page.
    Simple Format Tags (B, I, COLOR, ...) Safe markdown shortcuts.
    Images (IMG, IMGLEFT, SPACER, ...) Assists in embedding images. Similar to img_assist.
    Links & Navigation (INT, EXT, MAIL, ...) Assists formatting of local or offsite links.
    Node Info (NID, CREATED, AUTHOR, ...) Embeds current node metadata or field values in the body text.
    Global Tags (Date, Time, User, Site, ...) Useful variables
    Token : Integration of the Token module
    Video embedding tags (Google, YouTube, MySpace, iFilm)
  • User-/Sidewide - Replacement Tags
  • User- and SiteWide-Tags are managed from the reptag admin pages. You can easily add/delete/modify your own tags online.

See Also

Token module provides a base for a similar type of utility, but operates at a code level as a library for other modules.
Replacement Tags is designed for users who are using inline editing on textareas.

News & Updates

A development version of reptag for Drupal 6 is now available.
Please try and report issues to the queue.

Project information
