React comments in action

React Comments acts as a drop in replacement for the Drupal core comment module front end. Upon installation comment fields will be replaced by an interactive React app that allows user actions (commenting/replying/editing etc) without requiring a full page refresh or navigation away from the current page. Other benefits include the ability to administer comments directly from the front end (users with the 'administer comments' permission will see all unpublished comments and be able to perform administrative tasks -- publish/unpublish/delete -- directly via the front end), a clean (and familiar) UI, and other minor UX improvements such as reverse chronological sorting, explicit "reply to", and built in flagging.


  • React Comments currently only supports use of comment fields on nodes
  • Fieldable comments and multiple comment types are not currently supported
  • In ordered to preserve comment threading we chose not to actually delete "deleted" comments from the database, instead they are marked with the "deleted" status in a custom DB table. These comments can still be deleted via the Drupal comments admin UI, but keep in mind this will also delete all replies to said comment. Lastly, should you choose to uninstall this module, all "deleted" comments will be unpublished.
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