Quickly update your drupal projects
Drush install multiple missing dependency projects.

The Quick update module provides a quick way to batch install multiple new projects or all the missing dependency projects.

Enhances Drupal core update features

Drupal core provides a way to install module or theme one by one, but you can install multiple projects via the Quick update module. There is an admin UI to search the most installed projects easier.

Additional, Quick update module finds all missing dependency projects for you, then you can just select all of them from the admin UI and install them in a batch process.

The Quick update module depends on the Update module and uses the same workflow as the Update module. Thus, you can run the updates via the admin update page at /admin/reports/updates/update.

There are some custom Drush commands to list or install missing dependency projects that include modules and themes.

For example, module A is installed and it depends on B, B depends on C, and C depends on D, then running dursh qup-md will download all the A, B, C, and D modules.

  • "drush qup-list-md" lists current missing dependency projects.
  • "drush qup-dl project1 project2 -y" downloads projects and their dependency projects.
  • "drush qup-dl-md" downloads all missing dependency projects.

Project information
