This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module assists in migrating from the Phorum message board system to a Drupal based forum site.

Since Drupal and Phorum are continually evolving, this module is offered as a snapshot of something that worked for somewhat outdated versions of Drupal and Phorum.

The code may be useful to understand how to map the systems. You should, however, really consider instead using the Migrate module.


This module was developed for the project and was packaged / contributed by Greg Knaddison (greggles).


People interested in this feature should probably create a Migrate module mapping between the systems and then contribute that here. I will gladly give this module over to someone who wants to contribute/maintain that.

Project information

  • caution Seeking new maintainer
    The current maintainers are looking for new people to take ownership.
  • caution No further development
    No longer developed by its maintainers.
  • Module categories: Import and Export, Integrations
  • Created by greggles on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
