Directionality is set by the first character in the paragraph

This filter tries to determine the directionality of a paragraph, and add a css rule for it. Directionality is set by the first alphabetic character in the paragraph.

This is useful in sites where multilingual content is entered in the same text area, and languages have different directionality (e.g., a quote of a latin text within a text in Hebrew ).

This filter should be used where paragraphs exist. The use of the line breaking filter from Drupal core is good for that matter. After installation, go to admin > settings > input formats, and turn the filter on for selected input formats.

Anyone who has a better idea of how to make this module more efficient / more general, is welcome to do it through the issue queue. Thanks!


* 2010-21-03: @sinasalek became the co-maintainer to maintain the module for a while.

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