Paragraphs Features

This module provides few additional features for paragraphs module.

Available features

1. Add In Between

This feature provides additional buttons between paragraphs for paragraphs experimental widget UI. That allows easier adding of a new paragraph to the specific position in the list of paragraphs.

2. Split Text for Paragraphs text field

Split Text feature for paragraphs is available for all direct text fields of a paragraph where CKEditor is used. It's sufficient to enable the feature for paragraphs field experimental widget UI. Modal add mode is required for split text feature to work.

3. Reduce actions drop-down to a button

Paragraphs actions are rendered as drop-down also when there is only one option. Now it's possible to enable globally for the backend when there is only one option in the actions drop-down to display that as a single button. That improves UX since one additional click to expand drop-down is removed.

4. Delete confirmation

This feature provides a delete confirmation form for the paragraphs experimental widget UI.

How to collaborate

For all issues please use Drupal issue queue.
For code contributions please provide pull request on GitHub, because it's easier to review it there and we already have a testing infrastructure in place.


This module requires Drupal (>= 9.2).
and paragraphs module version (>= 8.x-1.12)

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
