Panels lock region admin interface
Panels lock region non-privileged user interface

Panels Lock Region is a Panels display renderer plugin which adds full region lock functionality to Panels In-Place Editor.


This module allows users with certain permission to lock/unlock entire regions on a Panel, so other users that can use Panels IPE are able to edit panes arrangement, but only for those regions that are not locked.

This is different to Panels lock, because it's not locking a single pane to a region, but preventing a locked region to have its pane arrangement modified by unprivileged users that can use Panels IPE.


This module requires the following modules:


Enable module as usual, then create a new Panel, using "Selective In-Place Editor" as display renderer. Then, assign the permission "Administer Selective IPE regions lock" to those roles who should be able to lock and unlock regions on this panel.

Project information
