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What if a client wants to change some layout elements of a website and doesn't know any html or css ?

With this module, an admin can create css selector groups and define which properties can be changed, eg.:

  • a body to change the background image,
  • all headings (h1, h2, ...) to change the font color.

The client is now able to change this properties through an UI, eg.:

  • upload a background image and set the position for the body,
  • select a color with the color selector for the headings.

There is an integration with the font-your-face and sliderfield module.

If you don't want that the client has full access to the admin pages, enable the submodule override_css_settings.

This module uses ctools, so it's exportable and can be used in combination with features. The values of the properties aren't exported.

If you are looking for a more advanced UI, you should try the sweaver and livethemer module.

Sponsored by Mediaraven vzw.

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