This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module allows a user with the appropriate permissions to see a pagered list of all of the users on the site, with the ability to filter this list by user role. This OG administrator is then able to set the subscriptions of these users to whatever Organic groups exist on the site. Since this user has full administer capabilities, they can override the OG subscription type (Open, Closed, etc...) and subscribe users to closed groups.

This module also provides a form for a single user (again who has the correct permissions) to edit their OWN group status, however they are only able to edit their subscriptions for groups that are Open or Invite. If the group has 'Invite' set as the subscription type, then the user is only requesting an invitation to the group.

This is the first release of this module and should be consider development software. It seems bug-free to me, but I'm sure other people will find bugs, so I would not use this on a production site yet. In any case, since this module makes database modifications, I would back up your database before using this module. Also, please make sure to read the INSTALL.txt file for this module.

Project information

  • Created by dwees on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
