This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Node Private File works in conjunction with CCK Filefield module and node access permissions.
It gives access to files attached to nodes based on the permissions the users has related to that node - for example if user Bob has access to node A then user Bob also has access to all files "attached" to this node.

This module works with the Public files setting turned on which means that you can have both public files but also private files in Drupal 6.

1. Enable the module
2. Add a new CCK Filefield field and you'll be able to click on a checkbox called "Protect this path" on the field's settings page (admin/content/node-type/[content-type]/fields/[field-name])

Support for more file types

Install File MIME module if you get a file not found error when trying to download a private file (thanks @drob1nson for pointing this out).

Project information
