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Sites with very high numbers of nodes often times have trouble rebuilding their node access permissions since the default drupal behavior is to load and save each node individually. This is an adequate solution when you have a few hundred nodes, but when sites have 500k or possibly millions of nodes, this can take hours to days to complete. Needless to say, that can really cut into your beer time.

The goal of this module is to provide very quick, bulk inserts directly into the node_access table without iterating through nodes individually. the module supplies a hook "hook_quick_rebuild" and passes no data in. from there, modules that implement grants can use this to do a bulk insert for all the nodes that meet access criteria.

This module ties in to the rebuild permissions form, and takes over that functionality, so the UI works exactly the same way as before. If node access granting modules exist that this module does not support, a notice gets added to the rebuild permissions screen, and the process reverts to the slow way of building permissions.

At the moment, this module supports OG Access, Workflow Access, and Node modules. Note that some granting modules like Tac lite and Tac, probably can't be supported, but I'd love to see some attempts at it! If there's an access granting module you'd like to see built in, please drop me a patch for it or at least submit an issue and I'll take a look.

In practice this module has rebuilt the permissions on 58k nodes using both OG and workflow access in under 10 seconds - compared with a 4hr rebuild time before. It would be great if people could supply their own metrics too.

Project information
