The MySQL/MariaDB driver that's included in Drupal 9 and 10 core requires MySQL 5.7+ or MariaDB 10.3.7+.

This database driver lets you install and use Drupal 9, 10.0, 10.1, and 10.2 on MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10.0 and up.

This driver will be supported until Drupal 10.2's EOL of Dec 2024. It will most likely not work with Drupal 10.3 or higher.


1. Installation

composer require drupal/mysql56

2. Configuration

2.a Without a pre-existing settings.php file

If you are installing Drupal from scratch, without a pre-existing settings.php file, and allowing the installer to write the settings.php file for you, then just follow the installer's instructions, and it will write out settings.php with the information that's needed.

2.b With a pre-existing settings.php file

If you already have a settings.php file, then this driver's namespace needs to be defined in your database settings. Assuming you are using default as the Connection key and Target in your database connection, add the following to the bottom of your settings.php file:

$databases['default']['default']['namespace'] = 'Drupal\\mysql56\\Driver\\Database\\mysql';

Earlier versions of this driver used 'Drupal\\Driver\\Database\\mysql' as the namespace instead of the one above. If your settings.php file still refers to this older namespace, it's recommended to change it to the new one, but the old one still works.

See the Database Configuration documentation for more information about the Connection key and Target.


This module supports and is fully tested with:

  • MySQL 5.6

It also allows:

  • Maria DB 10.2
  • Maria DB 10.1
  • Maria DB 10.0

However, due to limitations with testing infrastructure, the Maria DB versions are not fully tested. It is possible that Drupal will introduce an incompatibility with these versions. Use at your own risk.

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