
This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module enables you to flush the entire Drupal cache on multiple websites. Additionally it will re-build the cache after flushing by default configuration. The module's functionality is configurable via a settings file.

If you have the websites with the URLs

you can clear their cache at once. Just by calling an URL on the master site. Master site means the site, where the URLs from the specific websites are contained in a config file. The cache flush events are logged by the Drupal watchdog. The URL calling happens via PHP CURL.


After you've installed the module, the configuration template file


needs to be copied from the module's folder into the site configuration folder and renamed to


The site configuration folder is usually located in the following path:


Mind a different folder location on a Drupal multi-site setup.

The config file was choosen, because a configuration file can be easily deployed and is de-coupled from the database.

Specify there the URLs on which you want to clear the cache. Additionally you have to specify an unique cache clear key, to restrict the access to the cache flush functionality via URL call.

The "$aUrls"-array needs to be only filled on the master website from which you initialize the cache flush on the multiple sites. The value from the "$sCacheClearKey"-variable needs to specified on all Drupal websites.

After successfully installing and configuring the module, you can call the master website via URL to flush the caches on multiple websites. Like in the following example:

The path "ccev" runs the action and is a abbreviation for "clear cache everywhere".


Fast cache clear for one Drupal site

If you have the granted permission "Access URL fo flush entire cache on single site.", so you can clear the entire single site cache via a simple URL call (f.e. in your browser or cURL). This URL is also called internally on each site via a GET-parameter, if you use the "cache clear everywhere"-functionality (/ccev). The URL for this case is:

Fast cache "rebuild" for one Drupal site

Furthermore you can clear the entire single site cache and call the frontpage for a simple cache rebuild. That way an new visitor on the site has not to wait for the cache rebuild, which takes a while. The URL for this case is:

Project information
