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A small utility module that allows registration of mouse wheel events through the Mouse Wheel jQuery Plugin.


To register a mouse wheel event, simply call the mousewheel_add() function. The following would show an alert box whenever you mouse wheel on the box. See admin/help/mousewheel for more examples.

  // Create the object.
  echo '<div id="mousewheel-test" style="width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#333;">' . t('Move your mouse wheel here.') . '</div>';

  // Create the callback.
  $mousewheel_test = 'function mousewheel_test(event, delta) {
    alert("Delta: " + delta);
    return false; // Prevent default.
  drupal_add_js($mousewheel_test, 'inline');

  // Register the callback.
  mousewheel_add('#mousewheel-test', 'mousewheel_test');

Project information
