
This module provides convenience functionality for migrating data from CSV files, via SQL tables, using the Migrate module.


Have you ever had a problem that certain rows in the CSV were empty, or didn't
need to be imported because of bogus data / empty fields?

Or maybe your CSV data is denormalized and you want to skip certain rows that would
map to the same entities, but because of the skipping, your migration always shows
Incomplete Migration? Isn't that annoying? Especially if there are other dependent migrations
on the incomplete one, which won't run unless executed with --force.

This module provides a couple of classes to allow:

  • Importing multiple CSV files into a SQL table
  • Simple selection / skipping of imported CSV rows, by providing a predicate function
    (hello functional filter and PHP 5.3!)
  • Use of a specialized MigrateSourceSQL for your Migration classes, which uses the data
    imported from the CSV files
  • Convenience functions to declare the CSV to SQL tables, in your module hook_schema

Instructions to use

Go through the module README file, and checkout the provided example migration module.
It shows the basic usage of the provided module functionality. The module is littered with comments.

Project information
