User roles allowed to access menu items

Why would you need this module?

There are times when you need to restrict the items users see without having completely separate menus. Enter Menu Item Role Access, this module allows you to control access to specific menu items.

What Menu Item Role Access does

This module adds an optional role field to menu items which lists all of the available roles. A user who has access to edit menu items will then be able to select the roles which have access to see this menu item.

What Menu Item Role Access doesn't do

This module will only allow you to add role access to menu items that are menu_link_content entities. Any system generated links should be controlled by permissions.


Install with Composer: composer require drupal/menu_item_role_access:^2.0

Feature Requests

I'm more than happy to take feature requests to help improve this module. If you have an idea of a feature that could benefit this module then please let me know.

Project information
