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This module provides Podbean support for Embedded Media Field.

Required Modules

Embedded Media Field -
Embedded Audio Field - Part of the emfield project


  1. Install and Enable Embedded Media Field,
    Embedded Audio Field and Media:Podbean
  2. Go to Administer › Content management › Embedded Media Field configuration
  3. Click the Audio Tab
  4. Check the checkbox "Allow content from Podbean"
  5. Insert the podcast account id (used in the podcast URL e.g.
  6. Select the player style you wish to use
  7. Create your content types and content as you would for any other media field

Podcast Publishers: is an easy and powerful way to start podcasting

  • Easy to publish your podcast in 3 steps. No tech to learn.
  • Powerful promoting tools, iTunes Preview, Statistics.
  • Wonderful income chances with ads, paid subscriptions.

and now you can display your podcast on your drupal site too!

Development Sponsor:

The development of this module was enabled thanks to The Film Photography Project.

Project information
