again, apologies for a newbie trying to come up to speed...

I sorta understand how this module interprets things in a custom filter, etc. I am just generally wondering how best to add more Javascript on the page (for the Google geocoder, a 'clear' link, etc), and collecting some environment variables to add to a POST. I am trying to digitize simple points and polys using editable Openlayers overlays, as per:

and save the results, along with session information. Sure this could be done with WFS-T, but I do want a confirmation.

Should I be writing a new node type? looking at JQuery? a filter? hacking these sources to extend the filter?

comments/suggestions/RTFMs welcome!
thanks - Chris


chrisgnicholas’s picture

While asking questions, the next one is: when I can successfully POST features as WFS-T, with "whodunnit", when, perhaps a comment, etc as a new feature, the question will be: can we add WFS-filters to a map, and thereby treat individual features as CCK content?

again, words of wisdom, RTFMs, etc welcome!


chrisgnicholas’s picture

OK - browsing the very impressive they say: "necessity is the Mother of invention..." and I am indeed motivated... have an audience with the assembled in 6 weeks, and cooperation from a few space agencies...I need to be able to quickly find a place by its name anywhere in the world, draw a polygon of interest, and POST it with some userid credentials.

Sooo... I am looking to perhaps 'enhance' the "mapclient_common_render_controls" of mapclient/ ...and thinking to hack/slash in a few new attributes: "geocode", and "digitize" ... unless anyone has a better suggestion.

alternative approaches/RTFMs welcomed!
