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This module provides integration between drupal and MailUp email delivery service (, helping site administrators to manage users subscriptions and synchronization.


  • API integration
  • Enable user subscription in registration form
  • Add a new list
  • Export your users in a MailUp-compliant format (XML or CSV), to manually handle an import process in your MailUp Console
  • Synchronize your users into your MailUp lists in 2 clicks: select the source drupal role you want to import, select the target list/groups then just click the "Import" button
  • Each user can control his own subscription status from the profile edit page. The subscription status is read remotely, so it's always in sync.
  • Dynamically map your users profile fields with MailUp custom fields

Getting Started

From the administration section, you can easily customize your website and enable features which suit your specific needs. To start the set up, please refer to the MailUp Manual.
After the set up, you can synchronize all of your users at-once into your MailUp lists, or schedule a cron-based synchronization process. You can also download a MailUp-compliant file (XML or CSV) to manually handle an import process in the MailUp Console.
Each user can control his own subscription status from profile edit page.


Core Profile module must be enabled, PHP cURL, PHP SimpleXmlElement and PHP SOAPClient are needed too.

Project information
