Translation UI for Locale Extend

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This module extends Drupal Core localization system to allow translations
from different source languages, other than English.

This is a DX module, that allows development teams to build custom modules
using their own language for hardcoded strings.


* It seamlessly extends t() function with a 'srclang' option. Example:

t("Hola amigo", [], ['srclang' => 'es']);

* Extends *User interface translation* form with *Source language* filter and

Some API

Some static methods to translate from any source language code instead of English.

use Drupal\locale_extend\Translate;


// Or with some static magic...


Or use full TranslationInterface with predefined source language.

use Drupal\locale_extend\Translation;


// Again, some static magic...

Notes for Developers

* Since it replaces Drupal core *TranslationManager* service, the extended API can be used
from anywhere, other modules are welcomed to integrate. See also warning below.

* We are extending *locales_source* table for a clean storage. The new field,
'srclang', defaults to English - en -. Thus storage is fully backwards compatible.

* For some experiments with syntactic sugar, see included submodules

See locale_extend_t, adding some shorthand function, just for es, fr, de for now...
just an experiment.

t_es("Hola amigo");
t_de("Hallo, Freund");

Or 'locale_extend_ns', using namespaces...

// Anywhere, in modules or classes.
use function Drupal\locale_extend\es\tr;
// Will translate from Spanish

More options and examples, like how to replace global 't()' function, here,

Coming soon

* Some extra support for configuration strings, though I'd rather have other
module handling that... ?
* An extended *StringTranslationTrait* so it also can be used in classes with a
predefined language.

@see the idea here Drupal\locale_extend\StringTranslationTrait;


This module replaces some Drupal Core services thus it may not be compatible
with other modules doing the same.

@see \Drupal\locale_extend\LocaleExtendServiceProvider

If you are a module maintainer and have a module with such issue, please let me
know, we'll find a way around it...

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