Admin form for controlling multi-level list style types.
Example of a multi-level list being controlled by the above settings.

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This module provides a field that can be added to entities, which allows editors to control the list-style-types for the ordered lists in the content, on a page-by-page basis. Editors can use this field to affect nested lists to as deep a level as they'd like.

Use case

This module is intended for the (very specific) use-case where site editors need an easy way to control the list-style-types for all of the ordered lists appearing on one page.

For example, if the lists on one page should look like this...

A. Parent item
    1. Child item

...while the lists on another page should look like this...

I. Parent item
    a. Child item

...and the editors would like an easy way to control them all, apart from manually tweaking the HTML in a WYSIWYG...

...then this module might be useful.

When not to use

If you can unilaterally decide on a multi-level list-style-type pattern to be applied across the site, definitely don't use this module. Simply put your pattern in normal custom CSS. For example:

ol { list-style-type: upper-alpha; }
ol ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; }
ol ol ol { list-style-type: decimal; }

This module is intended for the case where such a decision is not possible.

Also, if the editors are willing to manually tweak the list-style-types on a list-by-list basis, then you probably don't need this module. Instead, install a WYSIWYG plugin like liststyle for CKEditor. This module is intended for the case where editors are not willing to tweak the list-style-types on a list-by-list basis, and instead want to be able to control them on a page-by-page basis.


This module depends on the Multiple Selects module.


Download and enable the module as normal.


Add a new field to an entity bundle, and choose the type of "List Style Type". In the field settings, optionally choose allowed values and/or a selector prefix.

Set the field to display as normal, but hide the Label, and use the "Inline CSS" formatter.

Supporting organizations: 
Development sponsor

Project information
