As I understand, the module LDAP replaces LDAP_Integration (that wil not be ported to D7)?

On the project page for LDAP_Provisioning you state "It depends on the ldapauth module in the package"

1) Does that mean LDAP_Provisioning can't work with the LDAP 6 dev version yet? Or is provisioning part of the new LDAP module?

2) Will LDAP_Provisioning disappear / be ported to LDAP? Or will it keep existing as an add-on?

I hope transitions are made for D6 soon. Sometimes developers focus on the next version (D7), but for many users the transition could be much smoother if they can do it before bringing their whole (complex & life) site over to D7. Then it will take up to a year before most modules are ported to D7, so many sites depending on such modules won't be able to use D7 for quite some time to follow.