Leads capture module telegram delivery service ("deliveryman").

This module allow delivery leads info to telegram chat or channel.

For using (channel):

  1. Install module in the usual way (http://drupal.org/node/895232)
  2. Create the telegram bot (how to) and get api key (eg. key is: 123:abc-123)
  3. Create channel(type public!!!) in telegram (eg. chanel name @mychannel) and add your bot to administrators
  4. If you want to send messages to public channel(eg. Cross-posting articles to public channel) you can skip next steps and goto step 7.
  5. Send the test message to channel: https://api.telegram.org/bot[BOT ID KEY]/sendMessage?chat_id=[CHANNEL NAME]&text=test
    Example: https://api.telegram.org/bot123:abc-123/sendMessage?chat_id=@mychannel&t... and get JSON data (find the Result->chat->id). Save it
  6. Change channel type to PRIVATE.
  7. Goto settings page (/admin/config/services/leadscapture/lc_telegram) and set bot private key and chat id.
    For public channels you can set chat id as channel name, eg. @mychannel, but for private chat you should be set chat id getted from JSON result).
Supporting organizations: 

Project information
