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Marly and Rocko at the Trailer Trash Party @ Everwilde
Label Trash decoration configuration page

This module auto-converts form input fields with space-hogging labels into compact mobile-friendly input fields, with placeholders that animate into much smaller labels the moment text is keyed in. This UI design is known as the Float Label pattern, devised by Matt D. Smith to combat UX issues on mobiles. With the Float Label pattern applied to your forms:

  • space-hungry labels automatically turn into in-field placeholders, making the form compact
  • when the user types over the placeholder, it floats up and becomes smaller but remains visible, serving as a reminder
  • forms look simpler and cleaner and the animation adds a subtle touch

This snappy UI feature is configurable across all pages on your site without programming. Try it live.

No loss of accessibility as the original label is moved, not removed.

jQuery implementation used with this module by ClubDesign, based on the idea by Matt D. Smith.


Set up couldn't be easier. Switch it on and enter the pages that should have their input fields decorated with float labels. See the README.txt. Should work with pretty much any form, but as an example think of core's Contact form, e.g., in a block.


All Label Trash configuration is stored in a couple of standard Drupal variables, so can be captured and exported as a Feature. Just make sure Strongarm is enabled also.


There have been some interesting recent alternative implementations of the Float Label pattern. These implementations are currently under consideration for incorporation with this module, both in D7 and D8.

Love trashy modules? Try the others in this series: Table Trash, Table Tidy, HTML Title Trash, Site Name and Slogan Rotator.

Picture of Rocko and Marly from Snapshots of Existence.

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all code and documentation

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