Jquery Drag Drop Blocks

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JqueryDragDrop module written by developers at Ebizon Technologies (www.ebizontek.com) enables drag-drop on blocks. The regions on which those blocks can be dragged and dropped are configurable through admin section. It depends on the Interface Sortable and JQuery Interface module which in turn relies on the JQuery Update module.

How to Install?:

1. Put the jquery_drag_drop directory in sites/all/modules. See http://drupal.org/node/70151 for tips on where to install contributed modules.
2. Enable jquery_drag_drop via admin/build/modules.
3) Your Blocks should be Draggable now. Go and do some optional configuration settings at admin/settings/jquery_drag_drop.


Ebizon Netinfo,
Drupal Based Web Development,Theming And Consulting

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