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Integrated Metatags allows you to expose content data in META-tags on full-page node views, with Metatag options stored per content type. Node, taxonomy, and user information are all available out of the box, with an optional CCK module that exposes CCK data. Additionally, if the Token module is enabled you can use tokens in your Metatags. Using all of these different sources for data, you can name your Metatags however you would like, and can even combine like-named Metatags into a single comma-separated tag.

NOTE: only the "keywords" and "description" Metatags will have any benefit with today's search engines. This module can be used to dynamically generate these Metatags. Other Metatags will NOT improve your site's Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) with most search engines. However, if you control your own crawler this extra data could be used for things like a faceted search.


  • Expose data from multiple sources - Data from the node object, including taxonomy and user information, can be exposed in a Metatag. Name your tags however you would like, and optionally combine like-named tags into a single comma-separated tag. Metatags are displayed on full-page views of a node.
  • CCK Support - A module for exposing CCK field data is also included with this module.
  • Set Metatags for each content type - Metatags are configured for each content type. A special set of inheritable Metatags can also be set, allowing content types to share the same Metatags.
  • Extendible - The Integrated Metatags module can be extended in two ways:
    1. Adding Metatag data directly to the node object.
    2. A hook to both define exposable data and to provide that data when needed.
  • Basic support for the Token module - When defining static Metatags, you can enable the Token module and utilize the power of that module as well.
  • DRUPAL 6 ONLY: Show Metatags with teasers - In Drupal 6, you can optionally have Metatags displayed whenever nodes are rendered as a teaser.

What's the difference between this module and the Nodewords/Meta tags module? Have a look at this forum topic, including all comments, for a functional comparison of this module with the Nodewords/Meta tags module.

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