
This module provides two different pieces for integration into the Instapaper read it later service:

  • Instapaper API: A callback function for developers to tap into Instapaper's Simple REST API
  • Instapaper Node: A way for end users to add nodes to their Instapaper queue

Instapaper API


The Instapaper API module is consists of a callback function to the Instapaper Simple REST API allowing other modules to integrate the Instapaper Read Later API with a single function callback and handling on their end. This module is a requirement for the Instapaper Node module, also included. For full documentation, see the README.txt.

Instapaper Node


The Instapaper Node module adds an Add to Instapaper button on all nodes that the Administrator specifies. Logged in users can add their Instapaper credentials to their profile and use this button without needing to supply their credentials. Anonymous users are presented with a username and password field to fill in, and once filled in, they will be able to add that node to their Instapaper queue.

Planned Features

  • Make the Add to Instapaper button themeable beyond being able to theme a normal button
  • Add a graphic button option for the button (i.e. icon button)
  • A Features distribution for easy setup, possibly with different versions for different common Drupal profiles, like OpenPublish
  • Prettier anonymous user login


***NOTE: This project is NOT sponsored by the New York State Senate but rather is a personal project***

Project information

  • Created by Snugug on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    Look for the shield icon below.
