This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Helps testing install profile.

Currently it provides a test that compares the current install to a fresh install. It's meant to run on a otherwise clean but older install or the install profile and detect if there's any different in configuration (modules, content types, etc.). It's meant to detect situations like if a new dependency is added to a module in a install profile but an update function isn't added to enable it.

Additional suggestions for items to test encouraged.

If your module has modules that have dependencies that need to be enabled but are not included in install profile dependencies, will need #1093420: Recursive module dependencies of installation profile are not enabled in DrupalWebTestCase::setUp.

If using views, may need #1979926: Refresh views_include_handlers when _views_fetch_data is rebuilt more than once in a page load (refresh class if missing plugin).

If using features, may need #1572578: Rethink the way features are enabled / disabled (rebuild features on enable).

If using rules, may need #1541888: PHP warnings when calling method RulesEventSet::rebuildEventCache() (early fatal due to class missing).

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