
This filter allows to insert a frame (or iframe) in a node, block, panel, ...
Can be used for Google Map insertion.
The height can be calculated to show entire page. Navigation in frame resize the iframe object.


  1. Extract zip file in the modules directory
  2. Enable the module in the admin settings
  3. Add the filter to an input format.


To insert a frame in a node in drupal, add the following :

 [[[<url> width=<w> height=<h> scrolling=<yes|no|auto> className=<class> ID=<id> offset=<offset> transparency=<true|false> wrapper=<html|htmlpage|text>]]]

where :

  • url : Url of the page
  • w : Size as css declaration (%,px,em) - Default : 100%
  • h : Height as css declaration (%,px,em). if height=100% and url is in the same domain as web site, the height will be ajusted to the real height of the source- Default :100%
  • scrolling : Scrollbar settings. Values from IFRAME tag - Default : no
  • class : Name of a CSS class
  • ID : Id and name of the frame - default iframe1
  • allowtransparency : Allow (true) or not (false) iframe transparency
  • offset : offset is a number to add to correct (if needed) auto calculated height - Default 15
  • wrapper (since 2.x) : InsertFrame can include some externals pages (wrapper). Values can be text, html or htmlpage.See Features for more details.

Don't forget to set the input format the filter has been assigned to.
URL not starting with http will be considered as relative path.

Crossdomain feature

Autoheight with page from another domain doesn't work due to browser security restriction.
However, if you have control to the iframed site, have a look to #2087745: Crossdomain feature and try with the attached zip.
This feature won't be released until patch is not reviewed. So please, test it !


  1. To include the page with auto-height with a width of 100%
               [[[ ]]]
  2. To include the page with height of 500px and width of 300px
               [[[ height=500px width=300px]]]
  3. To include a frame of id myframe with the myCSSClass css class
               [[[ id=myframe class=myCSSClass]]]

Features (1.x and 2.x)

See documentation for more détails

Project information
