Inline Devel - what is it?

Inline Devel is a module that extend the regular devel executed form with an
IDE options.

Why should you use it?

The execute code form is good for debugging data without edit files.
The problem is that we don't have an auto complete for functions and classes.
Inline devel offers you this solution. When starting to type the function name,
you'l get a list of functions, classes, interfaces and hooks available to you.

Yes, you can define hooks. All the hooks you'l write down in the execute code
form will be attached as hooks defined by the module inline_dvel_dummy_module.
If you worried - inline devel is not writing on the files of the modules but
create a session with a stack of the hooks you defnied or any other functions.

How to use it?

Becuase this module extend the devel execute form you need to go the form.
Go to ?q=devel/php. In the form start to type your code and you'l get the list
of available functions, classes, interfaces and hooks.

If you'd like to delete some functions that you defined in the execute code
form emable first the module "Inline Devel UI" and then go to
?q=admin/config/development/inline_devel_admin and there you can delete the


  1. Use ctrl + s to submit the form
  2. Use tab for a much more easier indentation
  3. Use ctrl + shift + v to open the variable searcher. You can search by module name(write bootstrap for the variables defined by the files that loaded in the bootstrap). Near to the variable name you will see the value inside ().
  4. Use ESC to close the function function suggestor.
  5. Use ctrl + shift + space for inserting the function name with the arguments of the function.
  6. Ctrl + shift + a to for opening the overlay with the devel execute form. If you in a admin page then redirect to the page of the form - with no overlay.

Problem for beta:

The IDTD(Inline devel text decoder) have some problems.

Enable the module Inline Devel logs to logging the code you executed and redo them.

Apply on any element: any textarea can use the detector and the autocomplete function option. How it's work?:


When this helpful? Developers can use this when their module allow to the user write PHP code(panels and views allow this).

Using the proper jQuery library(how to is described in the settings page) the function suggester will be displayed near the last letter the user entered.

What more needed to be done:

  1. Reflection - the reflection class give us the ability to get the function arguments. We can use it to get the function description and more - just like an ide.
  2. Use a wysiwyg for color the php code.

More ideas will be greate.

Project information

  • Created by RoySegall on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    Look for the shield icon below.
