• Branch 8.x-1.x old branch (old templates, only bugfixes, deprecated)
  • Branch 8.x-2.x we are extending the module using twig templates and fixing settings of field-general, field-instance, field-display (current stable branch)

A custom field, which lets you add a complete iframe to your content types; including Src-URL, setting width and height, optionally a title above, and optionally a target attribute.

Related projects
  • The module iframe is based upon project Link by quicksketch
  • Used by Iframe Media Embed Video - provides a new media source type that allows to embed a video inside an iframe, and reuse it using the media library.

Data model

The iframe module provides a custom content "field" type. It provides some inputs for attributes of the iframe to an authorized user:

  • Src-URL (textfield)
  • Width of iframe (textfield), allowed: numbers (in px, without "px") btw. percents (e.g. "70%")
  • Height of iframe (textfield), dito
  • Title (textfield), optionally
  • Attributes for "frameborder" and "scrolling" (selects)

"Title" can be optionally enabled or disabled when setting up the content field.

If you were to create a field named 'MyIframe', the default display of the link would be:

<div class="field_myiframe">
  <iframe src="[URL]" width="[width]" height="[height]" target="[target_value]" class="iframe myclass">[URL]</iframe>

where items between [] characters would be customized based on the user input.



composer require "drupal/iframe ~2"

Manual install

  • Drop the entire iframe module directory into your modules folder
  • Enable the module from the Administration area modules page (admin/build/modules)
  • Create or Edit a content-type and add a new field of type iframe (admin/content/types)


Configuration is only slightly more complicated than a text field. Title for iframe can be made required, optional (default), or left out entirely. If no title is provided, there will not be displayed any extra heading.


You can find more information on how to theme the output (and all other CCK fields) at the fields theming page

We are using templates/iframe.html.twig


If you have questions or trouble, please post to the issue tracker rather than the forum.

The migration iD6-to-D7 via cck/content_migrate module now works completely (all attributes will be migrated too)!

Migration D6-to-D8 works basicly. Migration D7-to-D8 is straight forward without difficulties, because both use the field api from drupal core.

Project information
