I enabled the Ideation feature in a stock Drupal 6.19 install using "drush en ideation". After I figuring out how to turn ideation on site-wide I went looking at the views and noticed a bunch of "Broken/missing handler: votingapi_cache" errors under the fields section of the views. Specifically under ideas_listing:ideas by rank and ideas_watch:defaults.

Specific errors are:
Broken/missing handler: votingapi_cache > value_five (handler for votingapi_cache > value_five doesn't exist)

Broken/missing handler: votingapi_cache > value_plural (handler for votingapi_cache > value_five doesn't exist)

This obviously causes the By Votes display to only show the title, teaser and comment count, not the vote average and count.

Did I miss something?


timwood’s picture

In ideation.views.inc the ideation_views_handlers function refers to a folder "drupal_get_path('module', 'ideation') . '/views'" which doesn't appear to exist inside the ideation feature/module folder nor in the git repository here on D.O. Has anyone gotten this to actually work correctly in their Drupal install, including the "By Votes" display?


wannianchuan’s picture

Same issue in Open Atrium 1.0-beta10

FrancoisL’s picture

Same issue for me in Drupal 6.20