This is a simple module which allows a user to view Heartbeat activities of his favorites/followed users. A user can add another user to his favorites list by just click on a 'Follow' button. It requires no approval to add a user to your favorites list.

To start following a user, you don't need to add him as your friend. If you need this functionality, refer Flag Friend module.

After following a user, his activities can be seen under 'Favorites' tab on viewed user's profile page.


The Flag Follow 7.x-1.0 version requires Heartbeat and Flag module.

Installation Instructions

  • Enable Flag Follow module from 'admin/modules' page.
  • Set 'View activity' and 'View activity in Favorites' permissions for authenticated users.
  • Go to any user profile page and click on 'Follow'.
  • View your followed users activities under 'Favorites' tab on your profile page.
  • If you wish not to view your followed user activities anymore, go to his profile and click on 'Unfollow'.

Refer Readme.txt for more info.

Project information
